the countries listed at 2 hardly compare to croatia in most things. croatia has a thriving tourism industry and more money.
they just skip the worst-off part of europe
I think most countries also have a local chain that is not here, there are many more companies where you can get groceries than mentioned here, also big companies that operate in 1 or 2 countries.
Between Coop, Rema and Norgesgruppen(Meny, Kiwi, Spar etc.) nobody have really been able to establish themselves. Lidl tried but only laster a couple years or so.
Also Norway is not part of the EU or the customs union. Together with pretty harsh tariffs on agricultural products in direct competition with Norwegian agriculture. Lidl couldn’t import and dump prices on staple products in meat and dairy. They also had stores that was so different from what we were used to it alienated lots of customers. Not a big loss tbh, it’s a shite chain anyway.
That being said there are issues with this sector in Norway with three operators with more and more vertical integration. No real competition
Some patterns jump out:
Curious, why?
the countries listed at 2 hardly compare to croatia in most things. croatia has a thriving tourism industry and more money. they just skip the worst-off part of europe
I think most countries also have a local chain that is not here, there are many more companies where you can get groceries than mentioned here, also big companies that operate in 1 or 2 countries.
Between Coop, Rema and Norgesgruppen(Meny, Kiwi, Spar etc.) nobody have really been able to establish themselves. Lidl tried but only laster a couple years or so.
Also Norway is not part of the EU or the customs union. Together with pretty harsh tariffs on agricultural products in direct competition with Norwegian agriculture. Lidl couldn’t import and dump prices on staple products in meat and dairy. They also had stores that was so different from what we were used to it alienated lots of customers. Not a big loss tbh, it’s a shite chain anyway.
That being said there are issues with this sector in Norway with three operators with more and more vertical integration. No real competition
Well, in Norway we have a cartel/triopoly which is not good. Lidl tried to establish here, but were quickly squeezed out of competition.
Sounds like our situation here in Sweden (ICA, coop, Axfood).