For a long time, I thought the Democrats were fighting valiantly but just overwhelmed by the oligarchy and the Republicans. Then I saw that the Democrats keep losing fights they should win and figured they must be just weak and ineffectual. Then I kept seeing them backing off without putting up a fight at all and decided they were gutless cowards. Finally I noticed that enough of them keep voting with the Republicans to always make sure the Republicans more or less win almost every fight, and that they keep starting from a Center position and bargaining to the Right, and eventually after enough of that it became impossible to ignore the only conclusion that actually fits the facts: The Democrats are not over matched, they aren’t weak, they aren’t cowards…they’re complicit.

    3 days ago

    Crushing fascists with dirty tricks may stop one fascist but only by replacing it with another. I think its less likely to work than legal or legislative methods in the long run and similarly revolutions have a very small chance of working. Unfortunately we don’t have any good realistic, slam dunk options but we do not we cannot let facism just waltz in so Im guessing it will be a bit of everything and we each have to prepare for what we might have to do. For my part im trying to come to peace with taking a bullet if the guns are trained on me for resistance rather than live in a non democracy.