Generally just books on post '91 Eastern Europe. Could be analysis of the effects of shock therapy, wars, etc. Just want it to be from a Marxist point of view. If you have any good books on this but they aren’t made by Marxists, that’s fine as well.
Generally just books on post '91 Eastern Europe. Could be analysis of the effects of shock therapy, wars, etc. Just want it to be from a Marxist point of view. If you have any good books on this but they aren’t made by Marxists, that’s fine as well.
Stasi State or Socialist Paradise?: The German Democratic Republic and What Became of it, is a pretty good book about East Germany collapse and the following years.
I tried to read this book but could not get past the first few chapters. There are many typos, formatting issues, and an uncomfortable lack of sources which really compromises the credibility of the authors for me.