On my old phone I had an issue with the proximity sensor and front facing camera. This led me to holding my phone backwards to take photos and being unable to hang up phone calls.
I think I put up with this for a year and a half.
I did end up figuring out the issue with the proximity sensor but opening up my phone to reconnect the camera module was too much effort for me.
Any time an android phone I own gets older than, say, a year, the volume controls get more and more sluggish. I feel like it’s a form of planned obsolescence, but I haven’t ever heard of anyone else talking about it.
Seems like you may not be hearing of anything if the volume is that bad
Yeah, the ear-blast videos take a full two or three seconds to register that I’m hitting the volume button. Tinnitus hit me like a train
When I set dark mode in an app, the top of the window would remain light, in XFCE. But in early January 2024, I realized it was because XFCE had a theme setting in both Appearance and Window Manager, and they were conflicting with each other. I ignored it for quite a while but now I’m happy with my full dark mode computer
I had a car with a leaky radiator. I would fill it up with water in the morning and drive to work. If I didn’t it would start overheating. I don’t remember filling it again on the way back. Put up with that for weeks. I think I only got it fixed because the weather warmed up and it was no longer sufficient to cool it. Or maybe it was the same problem as the heating not working and after a few weeks of wearing multiple layers and getting absolutely frozen I finally got it fixed. They may have been two separate issues/occasions, this was around 2003.
The on/off/wake button on my phone broke off. I installed an app that would wake the phone automatically if the gyro sensors sensed it was taken out of the pocket, which worked around 60% of the time. I was a broke student at the time, so I dealt with that for a year or so before buying a new phone.
Automod. Need I say more?
Years ago I got a second hand Sega Saturn - it was fine for a while then stopped working because it couldn’t read the disks.
But then I discovered (not sure how) that if I turned it upside down it would work fine. So I did that for a couple of years.
…how did you work that out?!
I wish I could remember - it makes absolutely no sense at all, but it worked :-)
They probably got frustrated and kicked it across the room and it landed upside and started loading.
That’s my head canon anyways.
Yeah, let’s go with that, why not? :-)
When I turn on my PC, it goes into BIOS and I have to Save and restart for it to boot. It doesn’t detect the boot drive at first. Sometimes it does. Been like this for the past 5 months
My computer wasn’t booting properly for a month or two, I think it was saying boot drive not found or something. It would work if I went into boot options and picked my main drive.
The cause? I used the Blu Ray drive for the first time in years, and for some dumb reason, that was listed higher in the boot options. My computer was trying to boot into a Blu Ray of Blade Runner
Check inside your BIOS if you can add a delay to the startup or disable skips for a faster boot. Sounds like the drive need some time to wake up.
Naaah it’s fine, it’s either the CPU not making contact or I scratched the MB with a SATA cable. The boot drive is m.2 so it’s not the cable. Cos it’s started happening after I changed the CPU, and while doing that a SATA cable got stuck behind the MB and I pull it out with force instead of unscrewing the MB :) I just can’t be bothered figure it out anymore lol
My laptop (Framework 12) sometimes does not start. It seems the hard drive is just not found, or the part used for decryption. I just restart at most 3 times then it works.
I have automated, tested, daily backups in case something goes boom.
I have a HDD in my PC that was manufactured in 2008, it still works and SMART is not reporting any errors.
How is this a technical issue? Seems like your hard drive is working fine?
The bearings of the OG case-fans started to fail so I reconfigured them to kick in when the CPU got hot. One after another I ended with only 1 left working all the time…
Had them all replaced last month, 4 fans on max are quieter than the last at 50%…
Oh, my GPU fans were dying, so I leaned a case fan to the GPU to help with cooling.
It was GTX570 which I bought when it was new, shiny and expensive. Server me over 10 years, including Witcher 3 on 100C temp
My family’s first computer baxk in the 90s was a hand-me-down power Mac from a relative. Between whatever they had done with it before we got it, and what we managed to screw up as inexperienced computer users playing around with it, it had it’s share of little quirks.
At some point we managed to turn on some screen reading function, and set the voice profile to something singsongy. It also had an error that popped up every time you started it up. The result of this is that almost 3 decades later I still have this ridiculous little tune seared into my brain after hearing my computer literally sing it who knows how many hundreds, maybe thousands of times
The globalfax software has successfully installed, however, since no fax device control panels were loaded, faxing has been disabled
Put up with it for several years, none of us knew or really cared enough to figure out how to get rid of that error or turn off the text-to-speech.
Dang I kinda wanna hear it 🙋♂️
Some 20 years ago, the right shift key on my keyboard was busted. I ignored it for so long that I got used to only using the left shift key. To this day, and many keyboards later, that’s still how I type.
I actually never learned how to use the right shift. I’m doing fine without it.
Oh no, my virtualbox host key is LShift + RShift.
At university in the 90s some friends and I ran our own Linux server. It was a 486 or early Pentium and we hooked it up to the university network in a post grad student’s office who was happy to just keep it running under his desk.
We even got the campus sysadmins to give us a proper edu domain name. It was a more open and different time and ethernet still meant coax cables with T connectors and terminators.
We were running pre v1 kernel on slackware and it was all installed from floppies. We used it as a web server, coded and played muds, read newsgroups and mail etc. I think tin and pine etc. we easily had 20 users using it from the computer labs.
Anyways the computer kept dying or freezing occasionally. Still early Linux. And the office where it was kept wasn’t always open and we didn’t have a key.
Being electronic engineering students we built a whole circuit with a PIC controller which plugged into the parallel port. We wrote a watchdog daemon which would keep pinging this dongle. And the firmware on the PIC would check for these pings.
If the server died the pings would stop and the dead man’s switch dongle was wired directly into the hardware reset button of the PC.
Worked like a charm for 4 years. And apparently worked for another 5 or 6 after I left.
Those were truly wonderful times. I remember even around 2000 campus network security was minimal to non-existent and we were all just going wild and I learned so much.
It was so much fun. I still get some of the same thrills building a retro console using a rpi, or a home media server in the garage using a second hand dual Xeon motherboard.
But sadly as the CEO of a software firm I don’t get to hack away much on anything anymore.
I do occasionally get to impress the young ones with my Linux command line wizardry and 1337 vim skills. I really need to get a beard.
Home self hosted stuff is definitely the only time I usually get to have fun with this stuff. Work can sometimes involve fun problem solving but by the time you cut through all the red tape to get it anywhere the thrill is gone.
Back when I was still using Ubuntu MATE about half a year ago or so, I started having this really odd problem where signing into my account after a reboot would bring me to a blank screen with only my desktop background and nothing else. No taskbar, no panels, not even the cursor if I recall correctly.
Some furious Googling brought me to a serverfault thread that suggested that switching to tty7 with
followed byALT
to switch back would alleviate it… and it did! But the problem returned on every login.So for about six months I just had that as part of my routine on any reboot. Log it, switch to tty7, switch back to tty1. It was stupid and I hated it. Mostly because I didn’t understand what I was doing or why it fixed anything.
On a tangent, this is precisely the thing that makes people intimidated by Linux, I think… it’s not so much the inability to do things. Rather, even when you are given a way on a silver platter, you don’t feel like you’re really in control because you don’t know what the black magic incantation really does. It’s a truly horrible feeling.
I never did resolve the problem. I eventually nuked that OS and paved over its ashes with Debian Testing + KDE Plasma 5, and I haven’t looked back.
Actively ignoring one now. I have a dying ssd that’s been loosing sectors. Everything important is backed up and Its faster than the replacement hdd would be. Waiting for a good deal on a 2 tb nvme ssd