The geography is a barrier, but not a dealbreaker, for all the reasons you pointed out. A common pair of languages, and the similarities in ideology and way of life are also arguments for “substantial Europeanness”. It’s just that they still might politically decide the European Union shouldn’t include countries in the Americas, or at least not one bigger than the whole rest of their (non-Greenland?) territory.
Sure, but the counter argument to that is Europe has lots of people, and Canada has lots of space. We could do something with all the empty space we have, and build industry. We would have a potential ready supply of workers to build the infrastructure we would need to settle some of the empty space and build industry, that could then export goods back to the EU.
Yes we do. To be clear, I’d except us if I was them. On the other hand I’ve had discussions with people here who seem to be offended that I’d even suggest it because of the name.
Ask them if they are offended that Cyprus is in the EU, even though it’s in Asia. Or ask if it’s OK that Turkey may be joining.
Some people just like to argue, and if they are really butthurt “because the name”, then they probably aren’t worth debating the point. It’s a name that already encompasses countries that are not in Europe.
The geography is a barrier, but not a dealbreaker, for all the reasons you pointed out. A common pair of languages, and the similarities in ideology and way of life are also arguments for “substantial Europeanness”. It’s just that they still might politically decide the European Union shouldn’t include countries in the Americas, or at least not one bigger than the whole rest of their (non-Greenland?) territory.
Sure, but the counter argument to that is Europe has lots of people, and Canada has lots of space. We could do something with all the empty space we have, and build industry. We would have a potential ready supply of workers to build the infrastructure we would need to settle some of the empty space and build industry, that could then export goods back to the EU.
We have lots of to offer the EU.
Yes we do. To be clear, I’d except us if I was them. On the other hand I’ve had discussions with people here who seem to be offended that I’d even suggest it because of the name.
Ask them if they are offended that Cyprus is in the EU, even though it’s in Asia. Or ask if it’s OK that Turkey may be joining.
Some people just like to argue, and if they are really butthurt “because the name”, then they probably aren’t worth debating the point. It’s a name that already encompasses countries that are not in Europe.