Nope. He escaped the holocaust by an inch simply because he knew some people in the SS who were mildly sympathetic to him personally. He was exiled from Germany to Belgium and he managed to immigrate to the US just before the Germans invaded.
He passed away in the early 1960s in San Diego. He was one of the fortunate ones. Being Hitler’s CO didn’t do him any favors.
I read his wiki. There wasn’t much bootlicking there. He was stripped of his citizenship right away along with everyone else and was harassed like all Jews were at the time. I don’t think Hitler gave a flying fuck about his old CO. It wasn’t like his family doctor who did his best to save Hitler’s mother (for free I might add) whom Hitler did personally intervene and allow to immigrate to the US.
It would include Hitler’s CO. The guy who recommended he get his medals and called him a brave soldier.
Nono, he’s “one of the good ones”
Nope. He escaped the holocaust by an inch simply because he knew some people in the SS who were mildly sympathetic to him personally. He was exiled from Germany to Belgium and he managed to immigrate to the US just before the Germans invaded.
He passed away in the early 1960s in San Diego. He was one of the fortunate ones. Being Hitler’s CO didn’t do him any favors.
It sounds like it did do him favors. He wasn’t just fortunate, his bootlicking is what allowed him to survive in exile and immigrate to the US.
I read his wiki. There wasn’t much bootlicking there. He was stripped of his citizenship right away along with everyone else and was harassed like all Jews were at the time. I don’t think Hitler gave a flying fuck about his old CO. It wasn’t like his family doctor who did his best to save Hitler’s mother (for free I might add) whom Hitler did personally intervene and allow to immigrate to the US.