I am curious if anyone has advice on a good start to get into InfoSec. I just bought a car, used a separate phone number and somehow marketers found my actual number, so want to get a better handle on how to handle personal data.
I am curious if anyone has advice on a good start to get into InfoSec. I just bought a car, used a separate phone number and somehow marketers found my actual number, so want to get a better handle on how to handle personal data.
There is the personal/home security hand out from the NSA (yea, that NSA) https://www.nsa.gov/portals/75/documents/what-we-do/cybersecurity/professional-resources/csi-best-practices-for-keeping-home-network-secure.pdf?v=1 https://media.defense.gov/2023/Feb/22/2003165170/-1/-1/0/CSI_BEST_PRACTICES_FOR_SECURING_YOUR_HOME_NETWORK.PDF This is an older version, but I appreciate the level of detail on this one: https://www.dni.gov/files/NCSC/documents/campaign/NSA-guide-Keeping-Home-Network-Secure.pdf
Anytime you purchase a car, the PHI is shared amount so many companies/organizations. Best submit a “right to be forgotten” request to the data companies as well as the marketers targeting you, and a “do not share” request to your bank, your state DMV, and everyone else that was involved in the transaction. HTH!
Nice, thanks for the info!