I’ve translated the whole text contained in the afformentiod text book, not just the highlited part which is here in italics:

“Only a traditional family, love and the engagement of both parents guarantees children proper development.”

“[…] Meanwhile, these afformentioned ideologists discriminate opponents by calling them names like “homophobe” or “transphobe”. LGBT ideology usurping itself a designation of science, is in essence a derivative of the basis of Marx’ and Engels’ wrong theories. It is important to note the hostile aproach of LGBT advocates against religion and the church, which is exactly a derivative of Marxism”

I hate PiS, I hate PiS, I hate PiS :wholesome-agony: (or whatever the hexbear emoji is called)

  • lemat_87@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    This country is one of the most fucked up in Europe, catholic fundamentalists orbiting around fascism, an U$ lapdog of course, 200 years mentally lagged. I am a Pole, thus this is not a foreigner’s insult. I hate PiS too, but they are the only feasible way to hurt neoliberals. Besides, another 4 year of their rules will make young people to be completely disgusted by catholic church and conservatives. Never before so many young people resigned from religion lessons or practicing church masses. Always look at the bright sides of life 😁 But seriously, take me from this shithhole too!

    • PolandIsAStateOfMind@lemmygrad.ml
      1 year ago

      but they are the only feasible way to hurt neoliberals

      They are the neoliberals. Sprinkled with the thin veil of rightwing populism like the 500+ program, but look at their real economic policy and you will see exact same thing as in every single government since 1989: balcerowicz.

      • lemat_87@lemmygrad.ml
        1 year ago

        Yes, I am aware of that, but still this is not the level of neoliberalism of PO-Confederation-Petru who perceives poor people who gets 500+ (frequently poor because of neoliberalism and balcerowicz policy) as a patology and demanding lazy bastards. PiS may be indeed social darwinists, but at least they do not say it publicly. But I know, this is no excuse to PiS, and I suppose that I will vote to no one. Or maybe to Lewica which may do something good to LGBT people, but economically they are not true leftists and they are politically unsignificant. Anyway, I do admit that PISs and POo are equally disqusting.