Elon Musk pushed to use Tesla’s internal driver monitoring camera to record video of drivers’ behavior, primarily for Tesla to use this video as evidence to defend itself from investigations in the event of a crash, according to Walter Isaacson’s new biography of the Tesla CEO.

Walter Isaacson’s biography of Elon Musk is out, resulting in several revelations about Tesla’s past, present, and future. One of these revelations is a potential use for the Tesla internal driver monitoring camera that is included on current Teslas.

  • AA5B@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    Aside from invasion of privacy, potential for blackmail, letting your car testify against you, fraudulent time stamps/metadata, modified video …… how about the simple case where proving you didn’t have hands on the wheel should not let the manufacturer off the hook of the car was faulty. Letting them spy on you just lets them shift the lawsuit from whether they’re at fault to whether you c plied with the fine print, from whether the car effed up, to arguing about your mannerisms

    • money_loo@lemmy.world
      11 months ago


      The spying thing would go nowhere fast and get them sued into oblivion.

      how about the simple case where proving you didn’t have hands on the wheel should not let the manufacturer off the hook of the car was faulty

      How would proving a person lied and the car was not at fault be letting the manufacturer off the hook? Are you seriously saying you’d rather all of the technology get stifled and stunted just because one person lied and created a media storm of bullshit?

      All of human progress on this would get shut down and sent back to the dark ages just because you didn’t want a company to reveal the truth.

      Yeah, no thanks. People can’t be trusted so I say this as a Tesla driver and technology lover, “spy” on us as much as you can to find the truth.

      *edit, I love how even after all the downvotes nobody could answer the simplest question of how proving someone lied would be letting the manufacturer off the hook. “Well ya see, money, you were able to garner the truth, and I took that personally because TeSLa should always be at fault…for rEaSOns”

      Please, try to be less transparent about where your emotional reactions are coming from. 🤣🤪

      • Maalus@lemmy.world
        11 months ago

        Lmao “tesla” and “human progress”.

        Yeah then go ahead and let the car spy on you. Let the country implement good citizen scores while we are at it.

        Privacy is a human right, and an internal camera is pointless to the “progress” you are talking about. It’s there to catch you out on a technicality to deny a settlement when the “self driving car” cripples you.

        • money_loo@lemmy.world
          11 months ago

          You are not entitled to privacy in public spaces while out and about though, and if you purchase a car with a camera in it then you’re explicitly allowing its usage on you while in said car.

          You guys are all, what, like 15 years old or something? Like, holy shit, forget the name of the company for a second and just think reasonably about how any of this stuff works.

          • Maalus@lemmy.world
            11 months ago

            Yup, I’ve thought long and hard how all of this works Works in a very simple way - company is installing cameras in cars to get rid of any semblence of privacy. Shills defend it as “technological progress”. People like me laugh at them and will never buy a car they shill for.