It’s sad 😞

  • 🇰 🌀 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 ℹ️
    11 months ago

    I’m better at taking care of my dogs than I am at taking care of myself… What’s up with that?

    I always remember to feed them on time, take them out for walks at a regular time, I notice when they are sick and take them to the vet right away, I make sure they don’t get extra treats or things that might hurt them.

    But I never remember to feed myself, have a hard time keeping any other kind of schedule for myself beyond what’s needed for the dogs, never go to a doctor, and eat all of the junk food. 😮‍💨

    11 months ago

    I have some things to help me take care of my pets. I have an automatic litterbox that scoops itself and gives me a notification to empty it. I have an automatic feeder that feeds my cats three times a day so I don’t forget. I have a water fountain that I refill and clean weekly. I used to be very forgetful or struggle to make my mind do the tasks to take care of my pets, and I felt really bad about it. Now, most of the time I spend taking care of my cats is brushing them, petting them, and just hanging out with them. These items weren’t cheap, but to me, they’re worth every penny.