Hounding the president of Harvard out of a job because you think she’s a DEI hire is one thing, but going after a Billionaire’s wife? How dare these journalists! What big bullies.

Bonus downplaying of EA’s faults. He of course phrases the Bostrom affair as someone being “accused” of sending a racist email, as if there were any question as to who sent it, or if it was racist. And acts like it’s not just the cherry on top of a lifetime of Bostrom’s work.

  • Deborah@hachyderm.io
    1 year ago

    This is the thing about Rufo that astounds me. The guy flat out says, constantly, that he’s a ratfucker. He brags about it in the national press! And then people give him the benefit of the doubt that he’s acting in good faith. “Maybe Rufo was angry at her responses”? Bitch, please.