Problem: I’m being driven mad by voices speaking to me thru white noise. Need white noise to sleep

Psychiatrist today suggested:

  1. normal human speech has typical rhythm, cadence
  2. fans, white noise audio files are always looped, rhythms in it
  3. brain is hearing those patterns as human voices
  4. I need to introduce staggered rhythms to disrupt


  1. Willie Nelson, William Shatner speak with atypical cadence. Play at same time as white noise
  2. phone app that vibrates atypically
  3. machine in room that generates atypical rhythms, vibrations

Options, ideas? I’d like not to go further insane

    7 months ago

    Do you find the sound of rain and distant thunder relaxing? If so there are plenty of recordings on YouTube and YT music that are hours long and not loops. Search for keywords with “rain forest”.