• antidote101@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    Look this is an art imitating life imitating art discussion that I don’t think its going to go anywhere, I’m just saying, on the one hand I appreciate the post trying to clarify things for people misusing these terms but on the other hand I don’t think it’s being honest with how they’re being misused.

    If someone doesn’t lie to you and pretend it’s not a lie, that can still be the start of Gaslighting and should be called out as quickly as possible so people know they can’t do that.

    That’s not a misuse or problem that needs to be corrected just because it’s not exactly what happened in a 1930s movie. Which is by the way still pop-culture not “actual” psychology.

    A psychologist didn’t come up with it, an artist/writer did. Science doesn’t get to claim all authority all the time and humanity should be relearning the fact that art and culture DOES produce knowledge.

    Posts like this, the dismissal of cultural or “pop” phenomena as less authoritive is part of why we don’t - that’s my problem with it, okay?