As a Christian minister, I believe in God and the devil — and I know whose side today’s pious Republicans are on

Where is that devil and what is he up to? First of all, like in any good horror movie, the devil is always right here in the house. In the case of the current evangelical political machine, the devil is all too often wearing pastoral robes and expensive tailored suits. For many years, the evangelical church has pointed to the devil outside in the world, but the devil is the one doing the pointing. Secondly, the devil is always up to the same thing: creating division through fear.

    11 months ago

    Then you probably know-about this:

    and this, which also hinges on Daniel, which identifies that when Hamas put the bait in Israel’s face, & Israel too the bait, then Israel’s annihilation becomes certain within 1 decade…

    ( it is less-specific, I’m just identifying that it

    a) hinges on Daniel’s abomination, &

    b) identifies Israel’s ANNIHILATION, which is certain, now.

    Hamas went nihilist, no longer being deterred by threat of anything, & committed the strategic sacrificing all Palestinians, in exchange for tripping a sequence that would showcase Israel’s nihilism/sadism,

    and once you remove the deterrent power from your weapons, because you’ve made the opponent nihilist, then “martyrdom” becomes an option, for them.

    The entire Muslim region’s going to lose its ability to care what damage Israel does to them, so Israel won’t have any “deterrent” anymore:

    the NEED to annihilate Israel is growing, now.

    Animal/rabid escalation upon escalation upon escalation.

    Like clockwork.



    Oh, this, too…

    There’s some line in Rev which says someone with bear paws

    ( which means this, btw

    & )

    will have his “head injury” cured, and it’ll be called miraculous…

    I’m betting that the shattered-narcissism in Trump, gets suddenly replaced with careful absolute-psychopathy.



    Within a season or 2, certainly.

    If that happens, it’ll just be another “delusion” of mine to claim that evidence could possibly exist in ANY religious text, according to the materialists/physicalists/existentialists…

    Their dogma prohibits Universe’s evidence from contradicting them.

    But, these are ScientificallyTestablePredictions, obviously.

    Scientific Method insists that simply waiting & seeing is the only valid method of testing them.

    Does your belief choose to side with eating-popcorn, or getting prepping?

    Scary question, isn’t it?

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