China has built a “kill web over the Pacific Ocean to find, fix, track and, yes, target US and allied military capabilities,” Whiting said, describing Beijing’s efforts as moving at “breathtaking speed.”

Since 2018, Russia has doubled and China has tripled the number of their intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) satellites in orbit, while also testing and fielding anti-satellite weapons. Meanwhile, the US has “the world’s best space architectures,” but its military constellations are “optimized for a benign environment,” he said.

Oh my goodness, you mean just like the US who has built a web of surveillance over the entire world and established a separate branch of its military just to counter, attack, subvert, and militarize space?!?

The same US that once complained when the US attempted to move NSA assets to compromise a Chinese satellite that it moved away and evaded them at speed?

Lol, optimized for an environment of total dominance where others can’t fight back or field the same capabilities.

Russian and Chinese space weapons “hold at risk our modern way of life and how we defend this nation, and we must be able to deter and counter these threats when called upon to achieve space superiority,” the general said.

Yes, they will be part of deterrence to destroy your imperialist capitalist way of life by removing any advantage and crippling your ability to control the rest of the world.

Translation: Give us more money to further militarize space in an ill-conceived attempt to maintain dominance and the ability to destroy enemy capabilities that can only ever end in a Kessler syndrome.

Washington recently accused Moscow of having undisclosed anti-satellite capabilities, possibly nuclear in nature. Russian President Vladimir Putin said the US claims were “unfounded” and a ploy to manipulate arms control talks. The Russian embassy in Washington has also accused the US of using “Russophobic slogans” to mask its own plans to militarize space.

Russia has every right to deploy any kind of anti-satellite capabilities against the belligerent, aggressive, number one threat to peace the US including nuclear ones if those are needed to take out the vast array of cheap Musk Starshield/Starlink constellations in an all-out war of direct US aggression and as a way to deter them from starting one.

  • Maybe the whole “segregate higher education behind an increasingly insurmountable paywall” wasn’t that smart an idea when you need scientists, engineers and medical professionals if you want to dominate in the sciences.

    But sure, I guess we have a lot more crypto techbros and social media “influencers” than China. Don’t complain when the easily foreseeable results reflect your decisions.

      6 months ago

      The poor can’t afford it and the rich send their kids off to follow the family business of being useless leeches on society. It’s funny. The poor see those positions as not worth pursuing because they don’t pay enough to counter the immense debt…
      Then the rich think it’s beneath them.

      6 months ago

      I remember once talking to an American women in an airplane on Europe wondering how Europeans bear to live “under communism”.

      I asked her what she meant by that, and afterw a while I told her if a country wants to be strong they have to educate their people.

      She completely agreed. (And I was not into politics and that time).

      It seems it’s not difficulty to make people use their reasoning

      6 months ago

      I don’t know, that was always the rule in the USA, they kept sucking minds and scientists from Europe, Asia, Latin America and Africa. US intellectual production was never enough to cover demand, today due to their own idiocy and xenophobia they no longer attract scientists from the rest of the world