Palestinian officials are accusing Israeli forces of carrying out “execution-style” killings in Gaza after the discovery of a mass grave containing at least 30 decomposing bodies. Some of the victims were blindfolded with their hands tied behind their backs with zip ties. The bodies were found on the grounds of a school in Beit Lahia. Al Jazeera spoke to one man who helped discover the bodies.
Palestinian man: “Inside the schoolyard, we were shocked to find the dead bodies. Those are Palestinian civilians, blindfolded and handcuffed at the back. The dead bodies were kept inside black plastic bags.”
The discovery of the mass grave comes as the death toll in Gaza has topped 27,000. At least another 66,000 have been injured. The group Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor is now estimating that more than 25,000 Palestinian children have lost one or both parents in Gaza over the past four months.
Those articles all show execution style killings Israel has done in this war, reported by human rights orgs. Hamas has done public executions before 2015/2007 and 2022 which while equally abhorrent isn’t quite the same as Israel has been doing to Palestinians. So I don’t think they are equally likely, to me it seems Israel is a lot more likely due to the circumstances here.
But I am grateful that you are willing to discuss in a civil manner and interested in credible sources. That’s not as common as it should be, insults and sourceless claims should be left to reddit imo lol.
As for genocide, the ICJ case is very detailed. I’ll link what I have found here
Looking forward to it
(Shit that sounds morbid out of content)