• What do you mean ‘joining the community for a language you hate’? I am on a Western fora and I despise West. Sometimes you just have to touch the shit, be it Rust, or the West, to get your message across. I don’t feel like insulting West rn because you guys are emotional and start crying if I prove to you how hallow your culture is, so I digress. (these ‘may’ be sarcasm, I leave it up to you to decide if I am being sarcastic or not. protip: I am/not?).

    Also, you don’t have to know ‘everything’ but you have to know basic shit right? And this is one of those ‘basic shit’ that one must know tbqh.

    Btw I don’t hate Rust. I like it. There’s a reason languages like D failed, and Rust succeeded. D is much better-specified than Rust is. D has a whole heap of specs. There are 3 D compilers to Rust’s 1 (GCC-Rust will never materialize, mark my word. My GCC frontend for SML will come out sooner than GCC-Rust, mark my words, again). However, D neither has the memory allocation primitives that Rust has, nor does it have the meta-programming capabilities that Rust has.

    I enjoy how Rust mangles up functional programming into imperative paradigm. I also enjoy that it’s allows you to choose your LLVM-compliant toolchain.

    But at one point, we have to admit that Rust is ‘bespoke’. Rust is not an standard, Rust is not a compiler. Rust is closer to a ‘program’. Like, imagine this, there’s a reason GCC-Rust is stalled, that’s because Rust sucks at being re-implementable and a language that is not implementable is not language at all. It’s just a program!

    I was rather annoyed when I made my post, and I take it back — Rust is a good ‘program’, just nor a language (just like Westerners are not ‘men’, just ‘humans’ — who have been plundering the world for the past 600 years and they think they’re oh so cool, whereas I, singlehandedly am cooler than all West combined — I may, or may not be sarcastic with this remark, or am I?).

    Whatever mang. Code your shit. It does not matter. There’s lots of cool shit made with Rust. Like a whole new POSIX is being made with Rust (fd, ripgrep, fish, exa, batcat etc). Languages are just tools, they are not the identity of your program. It just happens that I like my workflow of C + OCaml + Haskell for programming, and Perl + Ruby for scripting. Each to his own I guess. Hell, I may, I just may forgive you for being a Westerner (protip: I won’t).

    I’m just surprised that people still don’t understand why Rust is ‘fast’ compared to interpreted/JIT’d languages that they use. It’s just pathetic. Some people make crappy, shitty blog posts and I don’t understand what purpose these blog posts serve? I mean, like the one in OP. That’s what annoys me. I really wanna have a blog where I talk about stuff I know, the quality of the stuff I know nonwithstanding, but these goddamn blog spammers make me ashamed of ever owning a blog.

    Ok enough diatribes. I don’t hate west btw, OR DO I?