If in 2025 you discover a case of infringement that occurred in 2000 you have until 2028 to file a case. That is you have 3 years from the point of discovery, and an unlimited time from the point of actual infringement.
You can’t know about it and not report it. Once you discover it you have to report it. So you may not know about it for however long but can still enforce it.
What do that imply ? I don’t understand the subtly.
If in 2025 you discover a case of infringement that occurred in 2000 you have until 2028 to file a case. That is you have 3 years from the point of discovery, and an unlimited time from the point of actual infringement.
You can’t know about it and not report it. Once you discover it you have to report it. So you may not know about it for however long but can still enforce it.