• heartsofwar@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    I haven’t written Diablo 4 off yet, but I am getting close… Season 4 / itemization is the last straw for me; however, Diablo 4 isn’t really Diablo anymore… its an ARPG formerly known as Diablo.

    • The main story of initial game does not include the demon Diablo
    • D4 did a great initial job capturing a gothic demonic mature fantasy art style similar to D1 and D2, but S3 so far has been more D3 / Diablo immortal Hero fantasy look and vibe. At least S1 and S2 were somewhat Diablo-esque believable.
    • Shop cosmetics are not Diablo-esque… and who the fuck pays $40 for a god damn mount?
    • All classes play the same: I’ve played 4 of the 5 classes and unfortunately, they all play the same. “charge into a pack of mobs, immobilize via some crowd control, and then destroy everything”. Even the god damn necro with minions play this way…
    • The randomized dungeons are a joke because the end result is the same fucking layout over and over and over (giant circle, square, rectangle, three-lane Dota BS). There’s less randomization in D4 than D3… Christ… isn’t that sad.
    • Smart loot: I fucking hate smart loot… nothing I pick-up is useful to any other character I play or any of my friends’ characters
    • Trading is practically non-existant… good thing because you have nothing to trade due to smart-loot
    • Its an MMO without a subscription but bastardized with full price annual expansions and MTX out the ass
  • GrayBackgroundMusic@lemm.ee
    5 months ago

    I like the theme better. I prefer machines over vampires. I don’t care for the traps but they’re not as terrible as the article makes them out. It would be better if there was a reward. Functionally, they’re stationary monsters that don’t drop loot. The pet seems fine to start, but I’m still early, and the article says it doesn’t scale.

    Overall, meh. Not worth $70 and still salty over the fact that there’s a battle pass in a game I already fucking paid for.

  • gila@lemm.ee
    5 months ago

    This post from 3 days ago isn’t even representative of the current sentiment about the game anymore. This is just the fandom revealing itself to be a bunch of flip-floppy whiners. It’s the difference between someone that did a couple of vaults and then said “I don’t need to play this anymore, I already know that I don’t like it” and someone that actually spends the time to investigate what’s wrong. When you realise it would take 1000’s of vaults to finish levelling a single pet skill, it’s extremely obvious that this is a problem that will be solved with a patch. And that’s exactly what happened, like 48hrs later. It doesn’t make the original scaling Blizzard launched with any less stupid, but it’s like people don’t realise Blizzard aren’t just going to write off 3 months of their audience’s playtime in favour of tweaking a few numbers. No, at the end of the day it’s not the best seasonal theme ever. But there is some genuinely good stuff being snubbed due to these petty overreactions and that’s a shame.

    I see criticism like ‘the vault layouts are just the same thing over and over’ and it’s like, have these people actually played Diablo? It’s a nightmare vault. The replayability comes from the nightmare affixes, same as nightmare dungeons, which are also just repeated handcrafted map segments procedurally connected into a layout in the exact same way. This is an example where the expectation for free seasonal content was just out of touch with reality and now some poor Blizzard dev has to eat shit from a Microsoft exec because little Timmy can’t blast and threw a tantrum