The party may have a 30-point lead in the polls, but its lack of real offering to voters will soon cause problems - Paul Rogers

    5 months ago

    Starmer is a dud and a puppet for Zionists and plutocrats. He has no leadership or vision beyond Stalinist purges.

    He’s only going to win because the Tories are so vile.

      5 months ago

      He’s only going to win because the Tories are so vile

      Honestly currupt and incompetent is a better word then vile. Not because I personally don’t think their vile. Honestly vile seems way to nice a word to me. If I was religiose id say 300÷ MPs constantly being buggered by demons. And makeing the nation pay for their enjoyment.

      But because the main reason he will win. Is he appeals to tory voters who support their policies. So people who clearly do not think they are vile.

      Its the fact that thier corruption during covid. And utter incompetence over the last 4 pms. Really has left tories own nasty voters thinking starmer may actually be competent at implementing policies that change very little from there own goals.

      Unfortunately due to first past the post. The rest of us are left choosing between demonically inspired incompetent currupt arseholes. Or the only viable way to remove them. Even if the policies are not that different.

      Myself I’m in what was a tory safe seat. That LD just won local by a land slide.

      So even starmer is unlikely to be the best way to get tories out. I’ll watch polling because anything is better then the current tories. But 1 tory or 2 sane tory copies parties really will be all I can choose with out basically helping the tories by voting for a no hope option.

      FPTP Really is feudalism hiding as democracy. Were basically forced to choose lube or no lube. Getting buggered by someone we like/agree with just ain’t an option. If I vote green or any other left of centre party. I’m basically voting for poor and disabled folks don’t deserve lube Sunak