Ilya tweet:

After almost a decade, I have made the decision to leave OpenAI. The company’s trajectory has been nothing short of miraculous, and I’m confident that OpenAI will build AGI that is both safe and beneficial under the leadership of @sama, @gdb, @miramurati and now, under the excellent research leadership of @merettm. It was an honor and a privilege to have worked together, and I will miss everyone dearly. So long, and thanks for everything. I am excited for what comes next — a project that is very personally meaningful to me about which I will share details in due time.

Jan tweet:

I resigned

this comes precisely 6mo after Sam Altman’s job at OpenAI was rescued by the Paperclip Maximiser. NYT: “Dr. Sutskever remained an OpenAI employee, but he never returned to work.” lol

orange site discussion:

lesswrong discussion:

    5 months ago

    JFC I avoid AGI boosters mostly so I’m always aghast when I’m reminded of what they believe. HN commenter says ( AGI will bring:

    Solve CO2 Levels
    End sickness/death
    Enhance cognition by integrating with willing minds.
    Safe and efficient interplanetary travel.
    End of violent conflicts
    Fair yet liberal resource allocation (if still needed), “from scarcity to abundance”

      5 months ago

      And we can do all of that by just scaling up autocomplete which is basically already AGI (if you squint).

      How come the goal posts for AGI are always the best of what people can do?

      I can’t diagnose anyone, yet I have GI.

      But it shouldn’t surprise me that their benchmark of intelligence is basically that something can put together somewhat coherent sounding technobabble while being unable to do something my five year-old kindergartner can.

      Yup, basically AGI.