• Lord Wiggle@lemmy.world
    4 个月前

    It’s only 6 weeks. It’s hard to justify killing prisoners, returning them to the killing fields brings opportunities. Don’t talk about “fair”, it’s a 6 weeks break in the genocide so they can continue bombings later without a chance of hitting their own held hostage there. A “fair” deal would be a 6 months ceasefire which would include 6 months of further negotiations to completely end the violence. 6 weeks is just an opportunity to rearrange and repair their army and airforce for the second destructive wave. There is no “fair” when one side consists of terrorist fighters among millions of civilians and the other side consists of fascists wanting to wipe them out completely. There is no right, only wrong and mass amounts of innocent victims.

    • disguy_ovahea@lemmy.world
      4 个月前

      Read the article. The first phase is the six-weeks, as I quoted above. These are the second and third phases.

      In Phase 2, would include the release of all remaining living hostages, including male soldiers in exchange for a full Israeli withdrawal from Gaza. As long as Hamas lives up to its commitments, the temporary cease-fire would become “the cessation of hostilities permanently,” Biden said.

      During the six weeks of Phase 1, Israel and Hamas would negotiate the necessary arrangements to get to Phase 2 − a permanent end to hostilities.

      “There are a number of details to negotiate to move from Phase 1 to Phase 2,” Biden said.

      The proposal also indicates that if the negotiations take longer than six weeks, the cease-fire would continue as long as negotiations do.

      Phase 3 would include a major reconstruction plan for Gaza, and the bodies of any of other hostages killed in captivity would be returned to their families.

      The point is stopping attacks, returning hostages, and bringing Israel and Hamas to the table for negotiations.

      • Lord Wiggle@lemmy.world
        4 个月前

        Yeah, sure is what Biden wants. Not what Bibi wants though. We’ve seen his true colors. “Bring them to the negotiation table” is the goal. Israel will have insane demands, Hamas will tell them to go fuck themselves, Israel has another reason to move back in. This shit happened between Russia and Ukraine too. They negotiated. It ended in continuation of the war.

        • disguy_ovahea@lemmy.world
          4 个月前

          Right, but rather than hashing it out with munitions, this will bring full transparency on paper to the ones acting in bad faith. If Israel fails negotiations for anything other than hostage return, like claiming land for expansion, Biden will have documented justification for amendment of munitions contracts.

          Biden already restored the sanctions on Israeli settlements on Palestinian territory that Trump repealed in 2019. Expansion is not in the table in negotiations, even if it’s the outspoken goal of Israel’s far-right.


          • Lord Wiggle@lemmy.world
            4 个月前

            Gaza land has already been sold to Jewish companies for development. Israel has done many things already which are considered unlawful, war crimes, crimes against humanity. They refused to honer the international court of justice order to seize attacks. Israel does what they want. They bombed an embassy, they responded to Iran’s reply to that bombing with mombing Iran, even though Biden explicitly told them not to.

            The Israeli government does what they want, which includes continuing the conflict to uphold their war government otherwise it will fall as their support is extremely low.

            The west is trying to stesr Israel away from further escalation but at the same time the west is searching for reasons to justify to continue weapon deliveries to Israel. The conflict is a large part of the middle east. Even though Israel is comparable to nazi Germany right now, stop supporting them will support Iran and it’s allies which is even worse. But I don’t know how anyone responsible for these war crimes, or choosing to support these crimes can sleep at night. And if they can, they really need psychiatric help, next to being held accountable for their actions in court. But I doubt any of that would happen.

            • disguy_ovahea@lemmy.world
              4 个月前

              Do you have a source on the Israeli developments since Biden restored sanctions?

              Biden can make recommendations, and Netanyahu can dismiss them. The only way for POTUS to justify amending existing munitions agreements against the recommendation of Congress, is with State Department verification of breach of international law. The point of this ceasefire is to force negotiations within international law.

              • Lord Wiggle@lemmy.world
                4 个月前

                That was… Februari, something like that right? In April Israel fired a missile on the Iranian embassy in Syria. Iran said they had to respond, they did, they announced it, they stopped after one wave of missiles. Israel wanted to fire on Iran. Biden said “don’t”. Israel did it anyway. They continued bombings of hospitals, refugee camps, schools, civilian buildings without warning. Israelis raid aid convoys heading towards refugees. What source would like like to have? This has all been widely reported on in the media. Whenever you’ve missed any of this you’ve been living under a stone. Did you get the memo about the court order to stop all military offensive actions immediately, by the International Court of Justice? Did they stop? No, instead they offer a 6 week ceasefire deal and thereby put all responsibilities with their opponents to honor the order. If not accepted, they continue their offensive. “We offered a deal, they did not accept, our hands are tied, bombs must be dropped.” This is a classic move. Like all their moves have been. Anything to justify to continue their goals. No matter how morally (and lawfully) wrong. Like a few days ago, bombing a refugee camp, again. Only after the intense international outrage Bibi changed his statement from “terrorists!” to “oopsie”.

                Biden administration approved more weapon shipments to Israel in March and May. After war crimes and crimes against humanity have been confirmed.

                So, what sources would you like? I’m a military OSINT analyst, sure I can do it for you. But in this case it isn’t rocket science, both left and right wing media have loads of articles about the developments. Or check Ground news, they show bias with each source covering a topic. Bellingcat has some interesting articles too. I’m sure you can find loads of info.

                But the military aid packages are officially stated by the US government, the destruction of the embassy and attack on Iran are proven facts, as well as cutting off Gaza from food/water/electricity, bombing civilian houses without warning, bombing hospitals, invading hospitals, cutting off power of hospitals, bombing of refugee camps, attacking aid workers and aid transports, killing press, killing thousands of civilians, leveling entire city blocks, torturing prisoners. Please tell me, which one of those isn’t a war crime?

                • disguy_ovahea@lemmy.world
                  4 个月前

                  I agree that what I’m reading in the news are war crimes. That’s not my point. Working for the government, I’d assume you understand that POTUS oversees the Executive Branch, and only considers intelligence provided by the State Department. Not the news, or protesters, the UN, the ICC, or the ICJ, but US intelligence.

                  The other branch of consideration is the Legislative Branch, and Congress has already voted in favor of support legislation. Without the State Department or Congress recommending amendment of support, deviating from advisement would make Biden liable to challenge from the Judiciary Branch in the form of an impeachment hearing for acting in bad faith.

                  • Lord Wiggle@lemmy.world
                    4 个月前

                    So you claim the media is completely wrong? I mean, I take them with a massive grain of salt and all info they publish is unconfirmed until confirmed, after which it changes from info to Intel. However, the UN studies cases and confirmed war crimes. And do you think the International Court of Justice uses newspapers as proof? The missile strike on the embassy is an international crime and the fact that this happened has been confirmed by many sources, even by the Israeli government. This is just one example of the many confirmed war crimes. But do you claim any US Intel agency is unable to confirm any?

                    The US is trying the same as Israel. “How much can we get away with”, because the ends justify the means. Supporting Israel helps the fight against Iran, an ally and weapons deliverer to Russia for the war in Ukraine. The question is, how much blood on your hands is acceptable? Biden wants Bibi to change, as he said many times already, but he cannot force him by stopping aid because Iran would benefit from that and Bibi knows it.