Occasionally I have these days where I don’t feel like doing work or chores. So I’m thinking, why not just enjoy myself, do something that interests me?

But then I don’t find any motivation to do anything really. Not even the things I normally enjoy very much.

Typically I would then waste time browsing or watching videos, but that seems to make it worse. How to snap out of this?

  • Tsun@lemmy.ca
    24 days ago

    Hi! Late to the party sorry.

    I have gone through this, and similarly to what others say, I was able to pin point it to autism burnout. It’s a very steep climb out of the hole, and I wish you the best of luck.

    Some things that have helped me in my journey:

    • Whenever I am having a moment, using this site to figure out why and what I need: https://youfeellikeshit.com/index.html
    • Therapy, specifically someone who is knowledgeable about autism and autism burnout
    • Reading as much as I can about autism burnout and how it manifests (it can take months to years to dig yourself out)
    • A good book, specifically around keeping house and chores, that has helped me a lot: How to Keep House While Drowning
    • If you have the financial means, hiring help to take care of the things taking up space in your brain such as cleaning, food prep, and maybe even taking a leave for a while