Before you get too excited it’s disappointing that this type of obfuscating language is still used as a get out free card.

According to people familiar with a draft, it will say a Palestinian state should be recognised as “part of a peace process”

So basically never because a peace process won’t ever happen the way it currently stands.

when Sir Keir was asked whether a government he leads would follow Spain, Ireland and Norway in recognising a Palestinian state, he said it had to be “at the right time in the [peace] process… what it does need is international backing and consensus about the right point”.

He added: “That’s only going to happen if we work with our partners on it.”

No it’s only going to happen if you show some leadership instead of lagging behind Ireland, Spain, and Norway. Do you want to recognise the state or not? Or do you want to only recognise it when it’s beneficial to you and you’ve calculated that going into an election it’s not beneficial to you?


    4 months ago

    What? Are you Keir Starmer? Starmer’s record at the CPS speaks for itself in ethic communities. Why is that Mister Starmer? Are you going to tell everyone that they’re not ethnic enough or haven’t done enough Mister Starmer? You’re weird Mister Starmer. Go away. Learn how to have discussions without ad hominem attacks.

    Also try doing some research, I am neither the first nor last to question Starmer’s commitment to racial equality:

      4 months ago

      What? Are you Keir Starmer?

      No just some one who is fed up with this teenage “This person doesnt agree with me/go far enough on this one issue so they are literally the devil” which only serves to benefit the right. Notice how they always unite behind their leader even if they dont agree with them on everything as they understand that if you dont win you dont get to do anything.

      (Note this applies equally to the labour right who spent 4 years sabotaging Corbyn)

        4 months ago

        Benefit what right? See, this is what I hate about discussing politics with your mother fuckers with your head up your own arse. Corbyn, for what it’s worth, had policies that attempted to help people and Starmer didn’t keep any of them, instead opting for “electable policies” which fall firmly in the sphere of Conservative politics. I shouldn’t have to justify my race to talk about the failings Starmer has had to minority communities. While Starmer was happy to speak up against antisemitism, he didn’t speak up against Johnson’s anti-black rhetoric or the racism that was directed at Diane Abbott. You wouldn’t dare say to a Jewish person, what have you done for the Jewish community if they called into question someone’s record on antisemitism, so what gives you the right to say that bullshit to me. You’re fucked in the head!