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go to starbucks to shitpost on my t440p with Manjaro bspwm installed qt sits down at the table next to me and takes out her macbook pull my laptop charger out of my backpack and plug it into the wall 10 minutes later the qt goes to plug her macbook charger into the socket she laughs and says "nice windows charger"while giving it a condescending look she unplugs my charger from the bottom socket, plugs her pretty white macbook charger in, and then plugs my charger into the top socket I get really angry at this smug whores false sense of superiority with her stupid mac fag craptop yank my charger out of the wall and run out of the starbucks accidentally bumping into her table on the way out I think she saw me cry

wtf do I do bros? I can’t go back there. I like to look at the short loli barista’s feet and that’s the only time I get to look at a girls feet since i think my mom caught me looking at her feet

    4 months ago

    As a “non-foot” person, my rationalization: seeing people with bare feet isn’t typical. Usually, when you do see a barefooted person, its in an intimate or very personal setting and so your brain gets those vibes from seeing feet.

    Why dirty / smelly / gross feet appeal to people will forever be beyond me.