This weekend I’ll be working to upgrade AZ to lemmy 0.19.4, which requires changes to some other back end supporting systems.

Expect occasional errors/slowdowns, broken images etc.

Once complete, I’ll be making further changes to enable/tweak some of the new features.

            27 days ago

            Absolutely not representative of my opinion btw. I was just riffing off of what @[email protected] said, along with what happens to be in my memory from the latest season of Jet Lag.

            Personally I doubt I’d have found these two Americans’ take on TimTams to be very notable, were it not for the fact that they specifically (in the aftershow podcast) called out Oreos and bloody KitKats as superior chocolate biscuits. You don’t love TimTams? I get it. Tbh I actually think some of their hype is in the meme that they’re popular therefore they become even more popular. But to say that KitKats are better‽ That, I cannot abide.