[Content warning for potentially distressing things ahead]

Hey there.

So I’ve been keeping an eye on the nest of an American Robin since they built it and watched the chicks grow up. Four dumb, ugly babies. Loved every second of it!

They just left the nest a few days ago, and I was eager to watch them continue to grow from a distance.

Then… I saw the deaths of two of them: one from a neighbor’s cat roaming outdoors, and the second from some evil fuck who was walking their dog and *told their dog to “get 'em!” and laughed as the poor thing was killed.

The other two just left the nest today, but I am horrified at what their fates might be.

I’m very much a proponent of “let nature take its course”, but this is NOT fair play from actual nature!!

I know I can’t save everything, but… I just don’t know what to do. I’m so distraught. I’m tempted to take one in just for a week or so until they are able to fly better. Idk… it doesn’t seem right, but neither is letting them die to stupid irresponsible pet owners.

One is still being actively fed & looked after by their mother as it explores, but the other seems to have been forgotten about all day and keeps calling out from a bush.

Please advise. I’m struggling so hard with this.

Thank you.