• Forester@yiffit.net
    19 days ago

    Or hear me out you can be aware that we are animals continuing the natural process of calorie and resource reopropration. Most people would think a horse is a vegetarian until they watch it go chick hunting. Animals have the capacity to be sentient but not sapient by most definitions. I think we should look to stop factory farming and move back to more natural methods and cull the animals responsibly. I eat a balenced diet and do eat less meat than most. I want better higher quality meats. I’d be willing to hop on board to lab grown or imitation meats if they are comparable so far I’m not impressed. It is better every time but we are not there yet, if you want people to stop eating animals put your funding there. You can work with us or against us but remember you are the minority. So would you take the line of an absolutionist or work on common ground to make it so there is less suffering. The best steak I’ve ever had came from a cow raised free to roam the countryside locally slaughtered then served. You find a way to reproduce that and nobody will ever want a shit cheeseburger again.

    • VeganPizza69 Ⓥ@lemmy.worldM
      19 days ago

      Or hear me out you can be aware that we are animals continuing the natural process of calorie and resource reopropration.

      You don’t have to. You choose to for a bunch of feelings and “identities” which have nothing to do with “caloric appropriation”.

      • Forester@yiffit.net
        19 days ago

        I think you are confused. I am choosing taste. I value my pallet over the animals because they are animals. Call it selfish if you like I won’t deny it. So again you don’t have any arguments to sway me, I am not suffering from cognitive dissonance. Your options are to work with the system to promote change from within in a positive direction that makes the animals welfare improve or ignore the system. The system will continue if you ignore it Until you can reconcile that fact, there is no discussion that can be had.

        • VeganPizza69 Ⓥ@lemmy.worldM
          19 days ago

          So again you don’t have any arguments to sway me

          Why would I try to sway a selfish sociopath with arguments?

          Your claims to being open for discussion go out the window the moment you put your taste experience before the lives of “animals”.