• yggstyle@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    This isn’t a fear thing. This a “what’s right” thing. Your statement falls apart the second you apply it to any other social situation. What about applying that to two gay men? I guess they just need to implode as they are both and neither of what you villanize and empathize with. Two women? What about applying this view to race? It just doesn’t work. Equality is equality. If it is unbalanced it simply makes the situation worse for all parties. This is precisely why I made my closing statement. Should I not defend a man being beaten because he is a man? I should defend a person being beaten because it is wrong. period.

    • 𝕯𝖎𝖕𝖘𝖍𝖎𝖙@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      It’s not about what’s right though, because this topic is about the number of times WOMEN are raped, (which kits go unprocessed, which MEN disbelieve). is that right? should we allow rape kits to go unprocessed and create a culture of fear around the idea that something which happens so rarely? Like guys there are women who kill their partners, wouldn’t you think that would be a little more terrifying? I bet the statistics of that happening are even higher than the statistics of being falsely accused of rape as a man.

      I am making the gender distinction because in our society it is relevant. want to talk about two women or two men where one is falsely accused of rape? ok but wouldn’t that statistic be even lower?

      guys should we fear ants? ants in large numbers could kill you know.


      • yggstyle@lemmy.world
        7 months ago

        I am making the gender distinction because in our society it is relevant. want to talk about two women or two men where one is falsely accused of rape? ok but wouldn’t that statistic be even lower?

        So that makes it okay? Not your problem? What about raped men? Sorry we lack ‘kits’ for that. Cowboy up.

        My assertions are that rape is bad. On this we agree.

        Rape accusations are bad too. By definition rape is a violation of your person, deeply damaging, and can leave someone permanently mentally scarred for their life:

        I wonder if that false accusation resulted in that exact thing to the man? Nah. Doesn’t matter. Cowboy up. I’m sorry - we fundamentally disagree on this. No person deserves inequal treatment. People are capable of unthinkable acts of cruelty: sex, race, religion is irrelevant. This story is an example of that. Broaden your views. Apologists make the problem worse, not better.

        • 𝕯𝖎𝖕𝖘𝖍𝖎𝖙@lemmy.world
          7 months ago

          You’re strawmanning my argument. Men are raped, and that’s a concern. The way society views men who are raped as less than men is a problem. Get your head out of your ass and stick to the topic: why should we create a culture of fear around something (false rape accusations against men from women) that does happen but happens so rarely that it’s only really ever brought up to propagandize?

          • yggstyle@lemmy.world
            7 months ago

            A straw man fallacy is the informal fallacy of refuting an argument different from the one actually under discussion, while not recognizing or acknowledging the distinction. One who engages in this fallacy is said to be “attacking a straw man”. Wikipedia

            I am highlighting your own statement and showing you the flaw in your reasoning. Your response to every single person you’ve engaged in this thread is “strawman,” which isn’t correct. A good strawman would be to say: yeah it’s a shame that guy’s situation but… (insert diversion). Ponder that for a moment.

            As I said. We agree in rape being awful… as we should. My views are unbiased. We won’t agree on this.

            To your point on rape kits: ‘rape kits’ are multi part examinations. They ascertain if the party had sex. They look for “evidence” of the partner. They look for indications of injuries. They record a statement. The issue lies in all of this data being circumstantial. This isn’t some silver bullet that you think it is. Being an apologist for someone because, arbitrarily, bureaucracy and resources are a problem is a terrible platform to stand on. Which of us has our head buried in something here?

            • 𝕯𝖎𝖕𝖘𝖍𝖎𝖙@lemmy.world
              7 months ago

              You’re arguing against rape kits now? wild. Should we institute mandatory body cams for all women now?

              You’re saying a man’s semen being in a woman when the woman said she did not want the man’s semen in her is not evidence of her being raped?

              Absolutely wild, my man.

              • yggstyle@lemmy.world
                7 months ago

                If that is what you gathered from what I said you are either a troll or beyond the point of being conversational with. Either way- I hope you find peace.

                • 𝕯𝖎𝖕𝖘𝖍𝖎𝖙@lemmy.world
                  7 months ago

                  I gathered that you are spreading misinformation. I gathered that you decided you has nothing to reply with that wouldn’t admit that I am correct so you called me a troll. I gathered that you misunderstood how people have been strawmanning my argument.

                  I replied to the most obscene part of your comment first. No rebuttle? I hope you find peace.

                  • yggstyle@lemmy.world
                    7 months ago

                    Alright, I’ll let you entertain me more.

                    Let’s start with your assertions that I am spreading misinformation: quote the statement. Explain your reasoning for believing that. If you cannot? Further conversation isn’t possible and you’ll have only reinforced my earlier assessment of you.

                    Assuming we can clarify your assessment of my statement we can continue to play. Your move.