• Anarcho-Bolshevik@lemmygrad.ml
    3 days ago

    I feel like I am growing more and more antisocial by the month, and in ways that I never anticipated. My birthday was five days ago and I chose to avoid mentioning it (except to somebody on a Matrix channel). I gave up on voice chat with somebody because of some technical difficulties. I haven’t even touched Discord in a week, let alone attempted to communicate with others there.

    Lastly, there is something else that I feel too uncomfortable to talk about in public, but it has pushed me in the direction of more suicide ideation… the main reason that I quit ideating yesterday was that I was afraid of only reincarnating into a life even worse than this one, and I usually don’t enjoy gambling.

    • 小莱卡@lemmygrad.ml
      2 days ago

      each one of us has its own particular conditions so i don’t know if it will work out for you, but for me going to the gym has helped a lot.

    • ComradeSalad@lemmygrad.ml
      3 days ago

      Happy Birthday : ) it sounds like it’s been rough for you, and while I can’t ever possibly know your situation, please treat yourself kindly. You’re a good person and you deserve to be happy. Even if it’s just treating yourself a little bit as a birthday gift, I hope things are able to look up for you.

      It was my birthday two days ago two actually. I took off from work for the day, but no one remembered except for my babushka with a short text. It’s hard not being remembered, but things will look up.

      But again, Happy birthday! I hope this coming year will be better for you : )