Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.
Today my evil plan to mow the lawns while the GF is on may have to be postponed due to hot weather (not good for lawns). So I’m going to start up the mower at 8.30 am precisely to wake everyone up so that they can get ready for the GF or whatever they plan to do. It’s a public service really.
remember it’s daylight saving tomorrow, or actually no don’t remember, so everyone cam sleep an hour longer and wake up with their normal body-clock time
What’s up with this halftime show? Bit of a snooze-fest.
terrible music, cringe lyrics, bad sound-engineering… but the worst part was the lyrics of the last song - pure war-propaganda, just the kind of shit the likes of BRS would be into. Good game though
2% of Melbourne was at the MCG today.