I used to do the same, and it used to be glorious!
Nowadays, my wife and I need to use our vacation days carefully to cover the summer and winter breaks of Djunior’s daycare.
Luckily for me, my company has a few company-wide R&R days every quarter in otherwise normal working days (i.e. Djunior at daycare and my wife at work) those mini-staycations are great
I’ve been known to take staycations to avoid the stress of a vacation.
I used to do the same, and it used to be glorious!
Nowadays, my wife and I need to use our vacation days carefully to cover the summer and winter breaks of Djunior’s daycare.
Luckily for me, my company has a few company-wide R&R days every quarter in otherwise normal working days (i.e. Djunior at daycare and my wife at work) those mini-staycations are great