Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman reportedly fears facing “assassination” as a result of his efforts at pursuing normalization of the kingdom’s relations with the Israeli regime.

American online news magazine Politico revealed the matter in a column published on Wednesday, citing the royal’s recent conversations with US lawmakers.

“The Saudi royal has mentioned to members of Congress that he’s putting his life in danger by pursuing a grand bargain with the US and Israel that includes normalizing Saudi-Israeli ties,” the piece read.

  • Saudi Arabia cannot legitimize Israel, but Israel can delegitimize Saudi Arabia.

    If Saudi Arabia normalizes with Israel hundreds of millions -if not each and every Muslim of the 2 billion total- will see it as a confirmation and validation of the Hadith that praises Yemen and the Levant but curses Najd.

    Link to Hadith plus explanation in Arabic:

    Rough Google Translation:

    O Allah, bless us in our Levant and in our Yemen. They said: And in our Najd. He said: O Allah, bless us in our Levant and in our Yemen. They said: And in our Najd. He said: There are earthquakes and tribulations, and from there the horn of Satan will rise.

    I personally don’t think the Politico story is true. The risk is too damn high for the House of Saud. They will lose all legitimacy domestically and internationally.

    • GlueBear [they/them]
      2 months ago

      I remember learning about that Hadith, at first I thought nothing of it.

      But as time progressed- I kinda see the truth in it. Ngl those najd Arabian tribes gave the prophet pbuh a hard fucking time. When he got to Yemen the people there just accepted his message without a fight, and treated him with respect and dignity.

      And the yemenis back then, as they are now, were unapologetically strong.

      Tl;Dr: people that fucked with the prophet back then are fucking with people rn.

    • SadArtemis🏳️‍⚧️
      2 months ago

      NGL, while I’m an atheist it really does strike me as interesting how prescient that Hadith is. In a similar fashion, as an ex-Catholic (raised in a religious family) nowadays the parallels between the USA, and the “wh*re of Babylon” are incredible.

      While remaining an agnostic atheist (and not personally inclined to any Abrahamic persuasion), and while recognizing the US as (tangibly and evidently) the culmination of 500 years of western barbarism- as a rot and cancer/scourge on humanity that can be explained by economics, sociology, psychology, etc- I don’t think anything quite describes the YanKKKee regime, outside of “demonic.” It is the “idea of evil,” the worst of the egregore that is capital (someone on the grad linked the “dark Marxism” article quite a whiles back and I loved it) made manifest.