• LeniX@lemmygrad.ml
    7 months ago

    I honestly thought this could not get more embarrassing. Holy shit… Like, do you not know history at all? I can’t… I just… There’s a million things to say about this, I don’t even know where to start.

    Death to Banderite Nazis. Death to Ze. Death to America.

  • ghost_of_faso2@lemmygrad.ml
    7 months ago

    Yeah I mentioned yesterday I was concerned about Ukranian terror units messing with civvies…I hoped it was just me being a worry but it seems not.

    • miz@lemmygrad.ml
      7 months ago

      not accusing you of simplifying here (it is a good heuristic) but this articulation crystallized things for me:

      A Marxist understanding of capitalism leads to anti-imperialism. Anti-imperialism is understood by detractors as a simple rhetorical dressing over simplistic heuristics like “reflexive anti-americanism,” “history repeats itself,” and “the military-industrial complex needs contracts,” but all of these are reductive. Marxists understand that human political leadership in the imperial periphery, whether enlightened or tyrannical, will only be antagonized by empire for one single possible reason: it is getting in the way of market penetration. This is phrased succinctly by Kevin Dooley when criticizing Noam Chomsky’s support for a military alliance between the Kurds and the USA in Syria: “The difference between [Chomsky’s] position and a hard-line anti-imperialist position isn’t tactical. What he’s arguing is simply a violation of anti-imperialist principles based on a fundamentally different understanding of what can drive the empire to act in the world.” [16]

      The accusation that anti-imperialists are unconcerned with human rights deserves a sharp rebuke. The USA was born of slavery and genocide, dropped atomic bombs as a matter of political brinkmanship, imported Nazi scientists and installed war criminals like Klaus Barbie and Nobusuke Kishi around the world to defend and advance anti-communist positions [17], and enthusiastically supports gruesome butcherers today. Simply put, Capital has destroyed innumerable countries and murdered hundreds of millions directly and indirectly. It is precisely a concern for the rights of humans that should make one immediately skeptical of any humanitarian posturing by Capital. Anti-imperialism not only means support for the important pro-social projects of states like Cuba, Vietnam, and China; it also means critical support for non-socialist states such as Iran and Russia. Critical support acknowledges that, though instituting various indefensible policies, enemies of empire are not being antagonized because of said policies. The only thing that can drive empire to act in the world is capital accumulation.

      from https://redsails.org/why-marxism/

  • SadArtemis🏳️‍⚧️@lemmygrad.ml
    7 months ago

    Honestly, the Russians have the patience of saints. That, and they’re biding their time, all the global south is- if nothing else, the payoff will be incredibly sweet when all is said and done, I suppose.

    These Nazi cockroaches will get the punishment they deserve. It’s inevitable, and I hope it is as torturous and final of a experience as it should be. The Nazis got off easy last time around, and the marauding hordes of the collective west have been spitting in the face of justice and human decency for over 500 years- but this time around it ends with them, one way or another.

    For all his flaws, I don’t envy Putin (or any of the leaders of the global south- of the genuinely “free”- non-imperialist- world). Seeing these filthy Nazis act with relative impunity (for now), having the means of dispensing the justice they deserve, but holding off so as to play the long game- I don’t know if I could do it, and I wouldn’t want to.

    I’m an atheist, but as always I can’t help but wish there were a hell. These scum deserve it and more.

      • SadArtemis🏳️‍⚧️@lemmygrad.ml
        7 months ago

        As someone else said, Russia is at the forefront of the anti-imperialist movement now; they are aiding the liberation of the Sahel states, defending the freedom of indigenous Arab peoples in the MENA region, etc… they are defending the freedoms of ethnic Russians and other minorities in Ukraine as well. And they are among the leading players in leading the world to a freer economic system (the foundations from which all freedoms stem), to a multipolar system where nations and peoples are free to determine their governance, etc. rather than having it (often in the form of terrorists, extremists, and fascists) imposed on them by western diktat, etc.

        Yes, compared to any country in the west, Russia is genuinely a champion of freedom, (actual) democracy, and human rights. This isn’t in question, they have many serious flaws and are ultimately still libs, but their struggle today is the struggle of all of humanity, and their actions bring about infinitely more freedom than the west ever has in their past 500 years of barbarism and genocide.

        I agree, death to AmeriKKKa though.

      • PolandIsAStateOfMind@lemmygrad.ml
        7 months ago

        Like it or not, Russia is at the very forefront of antiimperialism now, even if aligned more by US action than theirs. Thus making Putin one of the leaders of free world out of sheer necessity.

        • miz@lemmygrad.ml
          7 months ago

          whatever one thinks of Putin, materialists should at least acknowledge that the equipment recently sent to Iran from Russia by military transport planes is going to have a significant material impact in the coming days when the Resistance retaliates

  • Amerikan Pharaoh@lemmygrad.ml
    7 months ago

    But y’know, they’re totally not Nazis, guise, these are TOTALLY just the brave patriotic soldiers of an innocent sovereign nation tfu

    Death to the banderites, death to the settlers that armed them, death to the empire that cosigns them.

  • Soviet Pigeon@lemmygrad.ml
    7 months ago

    While westoids are afraid of Russian propaganda, those “cosplayers” were able to do more, than Russian propaganda could ever have.