Looking to ROM dump just a handful of games, so I’m trying not to spend hundreds on a Sanni or Retrode. I saw this on AliExpress for $15.
I’ve personally had good luck with Alibaba and Aliexpress, but I recognize that this could just straight not work. There’s no documentation, but it claims the game data will show up like files on a USB flash drive.
Anybody know where this design came from?
The binary blob is essentially just a number stored in a fancy configuration of electrons, OP. In the best case scenario, this device is just e-waste.
I really can’t stand it when people feel the need to denigrate other people’s hobbies. Your comment added nothing.
what’s denigrating about calling the game a number? Is the hobby collecting devices from China? Why not figure out how an N64 works and dump it yourself if that’s your hobby?
I’m not against the idea, homey. I just wouldn’t plug this device into my computer. Grab an Arduino or JTAG cable.
lol. downvotes for being against pointless consumerism. classic. bring em on.
You haven’t realized by now this website is mostly filled with neckbeard chuds?