I get annoyed with it not just because of the, “Where is that thing I like?” but because I know they deliberatly do it so people have to go up and down each aisle looking for the thing and will be more prone to impulse purchases because they’re scanning the shelves more intently now looking for the thing. I don’t need the reminder that literally every interaction in daily life is designed to extract more profit and value out of me. I have no value left to give. I just want a Pepsi. Just one Pepsi…
And yet you included a product endorsement in your comment…
I have a few stores locally that shuffle around yearly, in small obnoxious ways… drives me nuts, and I try to avoid them.
And I won’t even set foot in Best Buy anymore. With their new “tech lounge” redesign, they made it so there’s stuff everywhere, but not where you expect it to be, and not in logical places, so you basically have to ask someone. The employees also think it’s intensely stupid, but corporate wants you asking for help so someone can upsell you on crap you don’t want or need that they don’t know anything about anyway. No, random high schooler, I don’t need your advice on computer components… You don’t even know what I’m doing with the computer, and I can guarantee I know more about it than you do, since I know that bleeding-edge graphics card you keep trying to sell me on isn’t even compatible with my ancient hardware… Just show me where to find the bottom-tier card I’m asking for and stfu. (Based on a true story)
It doesn’t make me impulse buy anything, it made me frustrated and angry.
Tbf it is annoying
My Kroger just moved 75% of the store AND narrowed the aisles. Also, they’ve been price gouging for 4+ years now.
I ditched Ralphs (west coast Kroger) this year and switched to Aldi, everything is literally half the price there. And the produce is actually fresh! Maybe because people are actually buying it.
It’s inconvenient because I have to take the bus there and back, but half off is half off.
I do a lot of shopping at Aldi as well due to prices. Unfortunately, Aldi doesn’t carry everything I need. I will also throw Food Lion or Publix in depending on what’s on sale.
They moved the fucking mushrooms recently