• UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world
    24 days ago

    Jeffries would have everything to gain by forcing the issue

    I mean, I’ve been saying this about DC Statehood for two decades. Democrats should have made DC a state back during the Carter administration’s majority. All upside, save for the fact that it dilutes the power of the rest of the Senate by 2%. Bonus, because it gets you that much closer to doing things like a Senate conviction or a Constitutional Amendment passage via a liberal supermajority.

    But this is something Democrats have punted on over and over and over and over again. Even within the Dem Senate Majority, you can’t find enough votes.

    Republicans will never sign on to get the 2/3rds majority there

    If you can get a Senate Dem majority on record as saying these judges need to be removed, the case for court packing gets stronger.

    But this is another thing Dems can’t be convinced to pull the trigger on.