One shows only a few shops, often the ones that pay the most, the other shows the true number of different places in the area.
One shows only a few shops, often the ones that pay the most, the other shows the true number of different places in the area.
Looks neat, but most of the time just sits on ‘loading data’ and when I can get it to load, doesn’t show anything for like 100 mile radius around me lol
@MangoPenguin @pietervdvn You’re exactly the kind of person who can make a difference by adding this data!
I’ve found it a lot easier to map for my own dietary needs/preferences.
Just try to open up mapcomplete next time when you’re in a restaurant and answer a few questions, it’s really worth it!
For my area it wouldn’t really be possible, there’s maybe 1 place that regularly has gluten free stuff, but the rest need real-time data pulled from their facebook or something because it changes daily/weekly what they offer.
Then, please, add this single place :)
You might make the difference for someone else
@ame @MangoPenguin @pietervdvn
StreetComplete does have a couple of quests for this that default to disabled so you can turn them on if you’re interested.