I barely have time as it it. Please, don’t make me do the writers, too!
Also, if you actually look into the graph, note that data points have X axis error bars of ±1.
For those who don’t want to open Desmos:
Edit: Added the Harry spike for that timeline where he had a kid with Tom’s daughter, as well as a gap for Neelix and Tuvok during the whole Tuvix thing.
Another Edit: Fixed the line connecting episodes 69 and 70 for Neelix.
deleted by creator
True. Another time, perhaps.
Was the creepy thing Tuvok did related to Pon Far?
Yeh, but I only bumped him to score 10/100, so I didn’t consider it that huge a bump since it’s biologically necessary.
Is this giving Neelix credit for being less creepy after Kes wasn’t there for him to creep on anymore?
Basically. I have to say, he was mostly a good uncle figure for the rest of the series. If I went beyond a casual analysis and started giving each character a number every episode, I might find counterexamples.
He should on no account be allowed within 500m of a child, ever. If that means beaming him into space without a suit since the Voyager is only 343 meters long, so much the better.
He seemed like a decent uncle-type figure for Naomi
In fairness, by the end of the series she was out of his age range… 4.
LOL @ the gap where Neelix died
I’m out of energy but not out of curiosity about the spikes for Paris and the shift for Chakotay, especially since Resolutions was in season 2.
The first Paris spike is Year of Hell, or that time he dated Kes… oh crap, I need to go fix Harry real quick for dating Tom’s daughter.
Anyhow, the second Paris spike is that time he got romantically involved with a starship.
The Chakotay spike is mostly my bitterness about the pairing with Seven.
I think I need to go back and watch voyager again. It must have been at least 10 years since I last watched it.
Also, I don’t count Resolutions as a spike since to me, that mostly felt natural, though it’s been a hot minute since I last watched it.
is that chakotay spike actually him, or the holodeck him from 7 of 9’s program? it’s been a while
I in general just kind of found the entire Seven-Chakotay romance really weird.
In my opinion, Seven wasn’t necessarily emotionally mature enough for a romantic relationship. I don’t mean to call Seven a child, but because she’d been part of the Borg since she was a kid, it meant Seven never learned some important social abilities. It’s not necessarily my place to judge, but I feel like Seven was nudged towards romantic relationships at a point in her life when she wasn’t necessarily ready.
Of course, this is really complicated, bordering on a c/DaystromInstitute question. You know, rather than boring you with the details, I’ll actually just go create that post real quick, assuming a suitable one doesn’t exist.
Also, I’m a just a bit bitter the whole Chakotay-Janeway thing never worked out. I get there was professionalism stuff, but dating your astrometrics officer is probably weirder. I usually don’t particularly root for couples in shows, but there was legitimate chemistry between Janeway and Chakotay, especially in VOY:Resolutions.
Alright. Here’s my Daystrom Institute post on it.