Ukraine’s army has already been using Signal for communication since 2022, and they were banned from using Telegram. Now this ban has simply been extended to officials. The signal is quite popular in Ukraine because of all this.
Interesting. I had no idea. I thought it was going to be something they owned themselves to control security. From what I understand Signal can’t be hosted by anybody but Signal.
No way… are you just memeing or are they really going to use Signal?
Ukraine’s army has already been using Signal for communication since 2022, and they were banned from using Telegram. Now this ban has simply been extended to officials. The signal is quite popular in Ukraine because of all this.
Interesting. I had no idea. I thought it was going to be something they owned themselves to control security. From what I understand Signal can’t be hosted by anybody but Signal.
Anyway… pretty cool.
Well, as far as I know, the army has its own methods of communication, of course, just as a civilian I do not know much about it.
Why wouldn’t they, it’s the obvious choice. Should have been using it the whole time.