“Found these in the Zaporizhzhya direction. The enemy is throwing chocolates with an explosive mechanism. Do not open them under any circumstances. Our guy was lucky that it did not detonate, otherwise he could have ended up crippled. I know guys whose fingers were torn off like that.”
“Pro-Russian” sources? I think you misunderstand. I’m curious why there are no sources. Like, at all. Not just from you, but any that actually exist! I can’t find anything. Here’s a search that should be broad enough:
https://www.google.com/search?q=Russia claim ukraine chocolate&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b-1-m#sbfbu=1&pi=Russia claim ukraine chocolate
Adding “explosive” to the query doesn’t yield any better results. We don’t have to link propaganda, but if Russia is claiming this, there would be English-language articles about the claim, yes? Again, if anyone has any source, please post it… But no, “do your own research” isn’t sufficient for a claim with literally nothing to back it up.
You’re not going to find anything if you’re using Google for your searches.
Try changing your location with a VPN. Search using Yandex. Translate your search to Russian first. Etc.
This isn’t a news community. It is a Ukrainian one. The preface “Russians say…” is all that is needed for desirable participants to understand the rest is BS.
You are spamming. Move on.
Edit: Oh, and FTR
The sources are all Russian.
…What sources? You act like language is a wall. Like there’s no journalist in the world that speaks Russian. Information knows no borders.
This is the biggest global conflict right now, including Israel.
He’s saying there are none.
Which is when I wouldn’t be posting this hot garbage, but I don’t think he understands that by spreading this he’s engaging in Russian propaganda, even when he’s posting it to show us “what a crazy unfounded claim they made.”
It’s a bit like linking to some stupid influencer who you hate. Don’t give them the attention, that’s exactly what they want.
Same thing with these stories.
But looking at his profile I don’t think he’s pro-Russian. Just… silly.
You can start to track this down by reverse image searches if you are that curious. It’s a crap story, so the actual source is going to be ambiguous.
This was the first I found, posted on the 4th, and I am not linking to it directly.