The Green Party leader has hired a GOP consulting firm and worked with Trump-affiliated lawyers.

  • John
    5 hours ago

    Well first MAGA in itself isn’t a terrorist group, but Antifa is definitely an extremist left-leaning group as well. So I have gave you your answer and now you’re just lying trying to shift the narrative and move the goalposts.

    I said Democrats are not the same to MAGA and you took that and claimed you won the argument, but you can have the stupid argument award. You earned it.

      4 hours ago

      The groups I referenced are both right wing terrorists and maga. So too bad on that one.

      Antifa is not an organization, those groups are.

      I’m not shifting the goalposts, I’ve hit you back directly on every point as you meandered around trying to come up with nonsense to support the idiotic claim of “blue maga”, which doesn’t exist.

      So you want to know what I think?

      I think there is a strong possibility you are paid. Everything you’re repeating is stuff straight out of right wing talking points - including your antisemitism, which, BTW, is VERY different than antizionism. Hebrew is a language not an Israeli training pavilion, so yes, your comment was antisemitic AF.

      So either you’re paid, or you are one very easily duped person.

      I have facts, you have bullshit disproven narratives. To me this isn’t about “winning an argument” like it apparently is to you. Its about clear threats to people I care about who are members of the lgbtq community. This is about america not being destroyed by christian nationalist fascists. This is about my children.

      And I’m not the kind of person who will sit idly by while someone uses propaganda bullshit to demoralize the only outcome where we can have a better future later.

      So, dont try and pull your strawman crap out on me, I’m not having it.