"But Rachel also has another hobby, one that makes her a bit different from the other moms in her Texas suburb—not that she talks about it with them. Once a month or so, after she and her husband put the kids to bed, Rachel texts her in-laws—who live just down the street—to make sure they’re home and available in the event of an emergency.

“And then, Rachel takes a generous dose of magic mushrooms, or sometimes MDMA, and—there’s really no other way to say this— spends the next several hours tripping balls.”

  • Dasus@lemmy.world
    3 hours ago

    Nutt, who is apparently aptly named, because he’s apparently just making shit up.

    You’re being serious? Discrediting all of his science, because he’s probably bias? Not childish at all.

    I read your links. You clearly did not.

    No you didn’t.

    Did you read the full text from the Lancet? (It’s free but requires logging in.)


    You started this protest by protesting the “mortality” bit of the chart. (Which, admittedly, I had forgotten about.) We then started arguing over it, you going on about people claiming there are arguments of “cannabis killing people” and asking me if I “know the LD50 of cannabis”. I replied by saying that I know about studies like this, and I understand that the mortality figures also come from drug-related diseases, like lung cancer if you’ve smoked the substance of your choice. You ignored that bit, and are still ignoring it.

    From that link:

    Drug-specific mortality Intrinsic lethality of the drug expressed as ratio of lethal dose and standard dose (for adults) Drug-related mortality >The extent to which life is shortened by the use of the drug (excludes drug-specific mortality)—eg, road traffic accidents, lung cancers, HIV, suicide

    Road traffic accidents and lung cancers? Just like I said way back. That yes, the mortality stat is sus to an extent, because of the mechanism of say, a drunk driver killing themselves, then having blood taken, it having cannabis, and that being attributed to cannabis mortality. However, the other part which is more objectively reasonable is the lung cancer bit. Why? Because it’s very popular to SMOKE cannabis and smoking anything causes cancer.

    I do not have access to the individual datapoints of their study. They’ve used sophisticated software to analyse it. Do you think you’d analyse the data better?

    My point has been, all the time, that while the data for mortality probably isn’t accurate, we can say for certain that some, probably most of it, is due to the increased mortality from smoking. Like I said, if everyone just ate it, the mortality should be zero, and if we knew everyone took edibles and never smoked, and if there still was a wide mortality rate in a chart like that, then we could say it was wholly suspect.

    See if you had actually opened the full study on the Lancet, you’d have seen that more accurate chart. Almost as if you didn’t and are just somewhat childishly trying to win this debate, even though I consider it a conversation and thus there are no winners or losers. I’m not arguing anything. I’m saying I know that most of the mortality is due to smoking reducing lifespans and a lot of cannabis being smoked. I too smoke. It’s unhealthy. I’ve tried changing to vapes several times, but it’s just not as good. A dab pen would be. Maybe even just an electric nail to my bong. But then making my own dab feels like a waste as smoking bud just makes it last longer.