• Lost_My_Mind@lemmy.world
    2 days ago

    Look, it’s simple. We have an election coming up, where one man, in no uncertain terms, directly stated that he will take steps if elected to begin the process of officially making facism a national policy. He will jail or kill the enemy from within using the united states millitary. His words exactly. Not hyperbally. Not the onion absurdist humor. These are direct quotes.

    In response to this, republican voters have said things like “Oh, he didn’t mean it like THAT!!!” Despite that being his word for word exact direct quote.

    And it’s not like he doesn’t have a history of this. He was responsible for Jan 6th. He’s ATTEMPTED this before. Yet all his supporters will tell you that you’re being obtuse if you verbally demonstrate any of this. You’re talking crazy talk! A republican president working against the interests of the citizens??? Crazy talk!!!

    …ooooooh, yeah. I’m begining to see what you mean by life not making sense. Welp! Happy election day! It’s 2 weeks away, and WAY closer than it logically should be.