Reddit has alway had islamophobic subreddits. I have been seeing a lot more hatred from liberals looking to blame someone for Kamala’s failure
Anyone that showed the slightest amount of sympathy towards Palestine over the past year has been systematically banned, while anyone that is even centrist, much less left wing has been systematically banned over the last 5 years.
Of course all that’s left is a bunch of bigoted neolibs no longer even pretending they’re trying to be tolerant of others.
It seems like Redditors toned down their Muslim-bashing a tad back when the Uigurs were in the media spotlight. Now that the Middle East is the top priority again, it is business as usual on Reddit.
Always has been, they just didn’t have many excuses to be islamophobic in a while.
I would simply not open reddit
try looking up discussions on the hijab from any year of reddit’s existence
That shit is what radicalized me I think. It made me seek out even a crumb of positive content regarding my community and led me to a Hassan Piker reaction to a Jubliee video which was about Hijabi and non-Hijabi women discussing the Hijab. The video itself was quite positive and reflected discussions I’d seen in my real life, but from their I kept going down the leftist pipeline till now where I’m staunch ML.
Who would’ve thunk that the comments on 30 second clip of women soccer players crowding around a player on the opposing team because her Hijab fell off would turn me into a communist.
Personally, I feel like growing up in Algeria helped me a lot, the country was built from anti-colonial socialist revolution and had close ties to a lot of socialist countries, but what settled it for me was how supportive marxists were to Palestine, from first glance I felt they got it far better than any performative liberal and I learned more about it.
I’ve grown up in the west and I personally hate how it’s poisoned my community. My local mosque youth group is basically an ideological battle ground between socdems, petty bourgeois grindset guys, Shia Islamist social chauvinists (who ironically are more open to socialist economics), and then there’s me holding the banner of communism.
We all get along well enough cosidering and all view the “west” as our enemy to some degree. Due to me being our of state for my education for months at a time, I feel leftist ideas are not propagatec well enough leabing me to essentially have to understand how to communicate Marxist thought much better then my peers are capable of communicating their political philosophy.
I’d say the advantage I have is that Marxism actually has a relatively rigid orthodoxy to pull from so when I relay my analysis to them it comes iff more concrete rather than vibes based.
I’ve stopped using reddit for the past couple years. I don’t need the toxicity.
its definitely more unhinged but its always been there
Yep. You used to see some pushback on islamophobia, but now that’s considered anti-zionist and thus gets banned.
Has it ever not been straight up islamophobic?
I’m pretty confident some of it is not legitimate Islamophobia and is a reddit wing of a broader social media campaign on behalf of the genocidal settler state. The campaign is more visually obvious on twitter to me; I think the surface anonymity of reddit makes it harder to see at a glance. But you can notice, for example, how mundane subreddit names get used to launder posts that are obviously targeted propaganda against a particular group. The most transparent being r/pics, but a less obvious one I’ve seen is the subreddit r/UnbelievableStuff
That’s not to say there aren’t real Islamophobes on the internet. Just that it being worse is almost certainly manufactured, to some degree.
One instance in particular, I don’t want to go into detail on it here in case the details could indirectly link my reddit account to here (I’d prefer to keep them separate) but suffice it to say, I have reason to believe the person’s Islamophobia spewing account is not a random reddit user who just happens to feel that way.
*To be clear, when I say “legitimate”, I mean in the sense of “a person who genuinely holds these beliefs and posts about them because they believe in them” vs. “a person who is part of a campaign to spread propaganda and may technically be a legitimate Islamophobe in that they’re part of the campaign because they hate, or they may just see it as propaganda work and have a more sociopathic view”.
To be fair, I haven’t really used reddit since I migrated over here. But from what I remember it was always pretty islamophobic outside of leftist subs, though some subs tried to hide that more than others.
Anyone not a white anglo doesn’t even register as human for the average redditor. They’re worse than 4chan users because they’re not even trying to be edgy. It’s the worst website full of propaganda and you should stay off it.
Liberals are scratched.
It’s basically a day of the week that ends in -Y