for the abortion numbers. for the abortion numbers.
Oh look another disgusting take on reducing women to bargaining chips while also neglecting to acknowledge that infant mortality is on the rise.
Oh look, a lefty that supports murdering babies! What could we do without lefties murdering babies?
No babies are murdered.
It’s only considered as a baby once it’s born.
Until then it’s a fetus.
Completely ignoring the infant mortality rates going up have you? What’s the matter? Doesn’t fit your narrative?
255 more dead infants vs 50,000 saved. Magnitudes more have been saved than those lost.
Fits my narrative pretty good.
What are your thoughts on sacrificing an individual for their organs? Could save 5+ lives with one sacrifice.
Good trade? Any other moral issues beyond the math here?
And yet zero discussions on how to improve the quality of life of those 50,000 babies. How to make sure they are healthy and grow up to be functioning adults.
You don’t care about the babies. You care about control. You’re disgusting.
So you think if life isn’t perfect, we should murder them? Do you not understand how evil that is?
You never cared about them. Don’t talk to me about evil. You’re pathetic.
Of course he doesn’t, he just follows the talking points. Gotta have those unwanted babies to grow up and fill those unwanted jobs what with the mass deportation and all. It was never about caring for children or they would support programs that actually help children, like education, TANF, food stamps, free school lunches, Medicare, all the things that help these children survive. They don’t even bother questioning why their politicians get hung up on abortion but neglect the other things. /rant
Pathetic? Says the guy who thinks 255 is a bigger number than 50,000. You should go back to kindergarten.