I live in a rural aussie (with no fibre options) area with the worlds shittiest internet and especially bad upload. I been self hosting a bunch of things and simply just struggling through the shit connection.
Will be getting starlink to remedy the internet issue but it seems i need a business (priority) plan to get a public ip so i can access my services from the greater internet. This is however more expensive and i would like to avoid the additional cost if possible.
I was thinking i could wireguard proxy from my server at home to a cheap/free vps to bypass the restrictions but i suspect that would mess with how nginx on my home server manages ports etc. Plus i use my own hardware not just for security but also no recurring costs otehr than power so paying for a vps just to proxy seems like a waste.
Also been having dns issues with duckdns vos dynamic ip starlink seems not to support static ips so how should i resolve this issue.
Any advice or reccommendations?
Just use a dynamic dns service and expose the stuff you need to access publicly, publicly. If you want to be extra careful, or secure services that otherwise have no security, your reverse proxy should be able to forward auth, which forces people to login before the request is handled. This gives you a single point of security failure again, which I’m not seeing as any different from whatever you’re thinking about with wireguard and a vps. You can also selectively configure which services use forward auth, which are fully public, and which aren’t accessible outside of LAN addresses. This would give you the option to use something like Tailscale for your private stuff when away from home without having to use the forward auth.
Starlink uses CGNAT, so that is not possible since the public IP is shared between multiple subscribers.
Ah, wasn’t aware of that, makes more sense now. Seems like OP needs to pipe everything through someone else’s server, or fork over for the static IP, until IPv6 is finally universally functioning. I’ve seen good things about Cloudflare, at least as long as they aren’t doing multimedia.
I think starlink has ipv6 so can i use that to fix my issues? I assume i would drop ipv4 support but fuck it.