Kitchener-based hacker Alexander “Connor” Moucka was unmasked after making threats against a woman on the messaging app Telegram. Moucka threatened Allison Nixon, the chief research officer at Unit221B, a U.S. cybersecurity firm.
TorStar bought it. But, no big loss. I’ve never seen The Record get excited about anything since they couldn’t hype up pot busts anymore. The last time I saw a print edition, every section of the paper was in “A”, about four sheets of tabloid pages.
A one paragraph article.
The related articles are one paragraph.
What happened to the record?
TorStar bought it. But, no big loss. I’ve never seen The Record get excited about anything since they couldn’t hype up pot busts anymore. The last time I saw a print edition, every section of the paper was in “A”, about four sheets of tabloid pages.
The page is a little effed but when I scroll back up I see the whole, multi paragraph article
Well. This is strange. The full article appeared when i opened it with my phone in landscape.