Day 4: Ceres Search

Megathread guidelines

  • Keep top level comments as only solutions, if you want to say something other than a solution put it in a new post. (replies to comments can be whatever)
  • You can send code in code blocks by using three backticks, the code, and then three backticks or use something such as if you prefer sending it through a URL


    3 months ago


    import ../aoc, strutils
      Cell* = tuple[x,y:int]
    #the 8 grid direction
    const directions : array[8, Cell] = [
      (1, 0), (-1, 0),
      (0, 1), ( 0,-1),
      (1, 1), (-1,-1),
      (1,-1), (-1, 1)
    const xmas = "XMAS"
    #part 1
    proc searchXMAS*(grid:seq[string], x,y:int):int =
      #search in all 8 directions (provided we can find a full match in that direction)
      let w = grid[0].len
      let h = grid.len
      for dir in directions:
        # check if XMAS can even fit
        let xEnd = x + dir.x * 3
        let yEnd = y + dir.y * 3
        if xEnd < 0 or xEnd >= w or
           yEnd < 0 or yEnd >= h:
        #step along direction
        var matches = 0
        for s in 0..3:
          if grid[y + dir.y * s][x + dir.x * s] == xmas[s]:
            inc matches
        if matches == xmas.len:
          inc result
    #part 2
    proc isMAS(grid:seq[string], c, o:Cell):bool=
      let ca : Cell = (c.x+o.x, c.y+o.y)
      let cb : Cell = (c.x-o.x, c.y-o.y)
      let a = grid[ca.y][ca.x]
      let b = grid[cb.y][cb.x]
      (a == 'M' and b == 'S') or (a == 'S' and b == 'M')
    proc searchCrossMAS*(grid:seq[string], x,y:int):bool =
      grid[y][x] == 'A' and
      grid.isMAS((x,y), (1,1)) and
      grid.isMAS((x,y), (1,-1))
    proc solve*(input:string): array[2,int] =
      let grid = input.splitLines
      let w = grid[0].len
      let h = grid.len
      #part 1
      for y in 0..<h:
        for x in 0..<w:
          result[0] += grid.searchXMAS(x, y)
      #part 2, skipping borders
      for y in 1..<h-1:
        for x in 1..<w-1:
          result[1] += (int)grid.searchCrossMAS(x, y)

    Part 1 was done really quickly. Part 2 as well, but the result was not accepted…

    Turns out +MAS isn’t actually a thing :P