Day 5: Print Queue
Megathread guidelines
- Keep top level comments as only solutions, if you want to say something other than a solution put it in a new post. (replies to comments can be whatever)
- You can send code in code blocks by using three backticks, the code, and then three backticks or use something such as if you prefer sending it through a URL
- What is this?: Here is a post with a large amount of details:
- Where do I participate?:
- Is there a leaderboard for the community?: We have a leaderboard with the info on how to join in this post:
Part two was actually much easier than I thought it was!
import Control.Arrow import Data.Bool import Data.List import Data.List.Split import Data.Maybe readInput :: String -> ([(Int, Int)], [[Int]]) readInput = (readRules *** readUpdates . tail) . break null . lines where readRules = map $ (read *** read . tail) . break (== '|') readUpdates = map $ map read . splitOn "," mid = (!!) <*> ((`div` 2) . length) isSortedBy rules = (`all` rules) . match where match ps (x, y) = fromMaybe True $ do i <- elemIndex x ps j <- elemIndex y ps return $ i < j pageOrder rules = curry $ bool GT LT . (`elem` rules) main = do (rules, updates) <- readInput <$> readFile "input05" let (part1, part2) = partition (isSortedBy rules) updates mapM_ (print . sum . map mid) [part1, sortBy (pageOrder rules) <$> part2]